I'm a senior software engineer based in the UK. I have a passion for building software that is both user friendly and efficient. I've been both a frontend and backend developer but I've more recently specialised in frontend development specifically using React and TypeScript. I've professionally built websites varying from e-commerce storefronts and admin panels to pension advice landing pages to full fledged apps for career progression frameworks.
10 Months @ Progression - Senior Frontend Developer
2 Years @ 9xb - Tech Lead / Head of Front-End Development
5 Months @ Awaze - Web Developer
1 Year @ Lead Tech - Web Developer
3 Years @ CPOMS - Full Stack Rails Developer
Frameworks - React, Remix, NextJS, Blitz, Gatsby, React Testing Library, Jest, Cypress
Languages - JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL (and a bit of Rust/Python/Go/Rails/Solidity on the side)
Tools - Prettier, ESLint, Lerna, ESBuild, TailwindCSS, CSS-in-JS, Redux, MobX, Zustand
Skills - Software Architecture, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Serverless Deployment, Progressive Web Apps
Dev Environment - I develop mainly on the command line using a mixture of Vim, Tmux, FZF and Lazygit and other tools.
CV - This project, build using TailwindCSS and NextJS.
Community - Full stack SaaS application for building a community, built using Blitz.
NextJS Starter - Starter project for NextJS, TailwindCSS, Commitlint, Prettier, ESLint and more.
Vite Starter - Similar to the NextJS starter, but for Vite.
rickbooth.me - Current portfolio website built using NextJS and Dracula UI.
Airbnb Clone - A homepage clone of Airbnb to practice using TailwindCSS.